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Project Details

The Groningen Declaration calls for an integrated global solution in the form of a nodal network of trusted central student data depositories. In particular, the Declaration calls for making current systems internationally compatible and data more easily comparable, as well as promoting the acceptance of digital student data. To further these objectives, it was decided that a Secretariat on the Groningen Declaration would be created at DUO, the Netherlands Executive Education Agency, which was also the initiator and host of the Groningen meeting.


Project Details

KION e CINECA are engaged in EQUASP, the TEMPUS programme, aimed to promote the improvement of the quality of technological SPs through the adoption of internal QA systems focused on the definition of learning outcomes and the definition and implementation of an online documentation and monitoring system of the quality of SPs consistent with the Standards and Guidelines for QA in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)”

ANA site

Project Details

CINECA and KION has been involved in  the Creation of an Inter-University Service Center and a Telematic Network aimed at improving and strengthening the Albanian University System as the teaching source of the highest level in the country and at promoting scientific research. The Center offers software services to both universities and research institutes, and will manage the educational and research Network.

Didanet Documents Management

To digitize and store every school document, according to laws and school best practices.

Didanet Website

A modern website for your school, easy to manage and update without any technical skills.

Based on Drupal 7, the most used open source CMS.

Compliant with all italian laws concerning accessibility and transparency. 

Didanet for Students

A Student Management System for Schools

For a better communication towards families

For well-managed and easy-to-find data.

For a school free from technical burdens: everything is in the cloud.

MyESSE3 Mobile

MyESSE3 Mobile brings your University to iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

Not just a showcase but an app allowing students to sign up for exams, check their own timetable, monitor their career in terms of grades and CFU, get in touch with teachers, check wich courses they should take and what they should study for a given course. 

And also a showcase for those who are not yet enrolled. 

Communication Builder

Communicate effectively with studentsprospect students, alumni and other targets.

For a digital, customized, integrated online communication,

Know your audience through monitoring and success measurement of actions.