AIDA ( is an European Commission Horizon 2020 project. Its goal is to encourage the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning for the analysis of heliophysics data. We bring together the best european space scientists working in spacecraft observations, simulations, High Performance Computing and machine learning.
The main objective of this school is to introduce the european heliophysics community to the domain of machine learning and data analysis.
By the end of the course each student should learn:
Basics of machine learning: supervised, unsupervised learning, neural networks
Space data gathering, handling and processing
What modern techniques are used in the domain of space physics
What modern techniques are used in other applications outside physics
Target Audience
The school is oriented towards established scientists, postdoctoral researchers, phd students and master students in space physics, with an interest in data analysis, who want to learn the basics of machine learning, and find inspiration to apply such techniques to their own research.
Basic knowledge of python, jupyter notebooks, and space physics.