CINECA GPU hackathon

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CINECA GPU hackathon will be a 4-day coding event in which teams of developers port their applications to run on GPUs, or optimize their applications that already run on GPUs. Each team consists of two or more developers who are intimately familiar with (some part of) their application, and they work alongside one mentor with GPU programming expertise. 

Participating in a GPU hackathon provides a unique opportunity for teams to jumpstart acceleration or optimization of their code on GPUs. With the help of experienced mentors, by the end of the event each team should have their code running on GPUs, or at least have a clear roadmap of how to get there. 

4 dd
Provided as: 
Ordinary Course

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Cineca is a non profit Consortium, made up of 102 Italian national institutions: Universities, Italian Research Institutions and the Italian Ministries of Universities and Education.

Today it is the largest Italian computing centre, one of the most important worldwide. With more seven hundred employees, it operates in the technological transfer sector through high performance scientific computing, the management and development of networks and web based services, and the development of complex information systems for treating large amounts of data.

It develops advanced Information Technology applications and services, acting like a trait-d'union between the academic world, the sphere of pure research and the world of industry and Public Administration. .

Visit the Cineca website