Introduction to Python programming

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Python is an extremely versatile language and its use is growing more and more nowadays. Despite simplicity and readability are among significant Python strengths, writing a good quality Python code requires some degree of preparation. This course aims to introduce the student to the key topics of the language in order to give a solid basis for further investigations that will be required according to the specific field of application. The exposition of the topics uses several examples and tries as much as possible to highlight good Python programming practices in addition to the simple syntax correctness. To improve understanding, the different modules of the course are immediately put into practice in hands-on sessions in which students and teachers can interact directly on simple but significant concrete problems proposed in the exercise.


By the end of the course each student should be able to:

  • understand the key features of Python language
  • write a Python program/module using the basic syntax elements
  • understand the best practices for programming in Python

Target Audience:

Researchers and programmers interested in an introduction to the Python programming language.


Knowledge of the basic fundamentals of programming is useful but not necessary.

Intended for: 
Research Institutions
3-5 dd
Provided as: 
Ordinary Course

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  • 06-11-2024, Cineca Site - ROME Via dei Tizii, 6b, 00185 Roma RM

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