Introduction to Scientific and Technical Computing in C++

Monday, 6 May 2024 09:00 to Thursday, 9 May 2024 18:00
AlessandroCasalino FilippoBarbari , AlessandroCasalino , GiorgiaFrumenzio , AlessandroMasini , AlessandroRomeo
Provided as: 
Ordinary Course
Registrations closing: 
Monday, 29 April 2024 at 09:00

The course is FREE of charge, 

It will be held EXCLUSIVELY IN PRESENCE (No Streaming Available) and will be held in ITALIAN language. 

FilippoBarbari , AlessandroCasalino , GiorgiaFrumenzio , AlessandroMasini , AlessandroRomeo


The course will focus on the following C++ topics: - main differences between C and C++ (references, namespace, overloading, etc..); - error handling; - memory handling; - classes, object programming and polymorphism; - compile time programming (templates); - introduction to STL library (containers, iterators and algorithm); - introduction to C++ project set up and management.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • understand the basis of object oriented paradigm
  • understand procedural and object oriented C++ code and libraries
  • cope with ASCII and raw data files, stream handling and formatting
  • write new classes for modeling structured objects and their relationships
  • understand pro and cons of templates and polymorphism
  • use containers and facilities of the Standard Template Library (STL)

Target audience:

C programmers interested in an introduction to the main features of C++.


A good knowledge of C is mandatory.

Intended for: 
Research Institutions
3 dd

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Cineca is a non profit Consortium, made up of 102 Italian national institutions: Universities, Italian Research Institutions and the Italian Ministries of Universities and Education.

Today it is the largest Italian computing centre, one of the most important worldwide. With more seven hundred employees, it operates in the technological transfer sector through high performance scientific computing, the management and development of networks and web based services, and the development of complex information systems for treating large amounts of data.

It develops advanced Information Technology applications and services, acting like a trait-d'union between the academic world, the sphere of pure research and the world of industry and Public Administration. .

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